For an initial consultation, enquiry or to book a session, please go to the contact/enquiry form

Supporting your own journey:

Even when things appear to be going well on the outside, we can often be challenged with changes within ourselves, in relationships or life situations. We may feel the need for some kind of change, or the anticipation of another phase in life approaching.

Often the challenge is not so much about what is happening, as it is about how we are dealing with it from within ourselves. New perspectives, developing new skills, or having some objective understanding and support can make a big difference.

What if there was an approach that helps you gain insight, integrate feelings, give clarity to thoughts and decisions, and provide skills in self awareness and communication, in relation to your current and ongoing needs?

How would it feel to receive practical guidance and support for you to experience confidence, fulfilment, and wellbeing in managing the life challenge or change before you now?

You are the expert in your own life, and the approach offered here which can enhance and empower your mindset, awareness and management of your life, will continue to be of value throughout life.

The approaches drawn upon in working with you are strengths-based, solution-focused and mindfulness-based. They also entail aligning heart, gut and mind. Sometimes emotional and mental integration is also an important part of personal and life changes. Sometimes a clear vision and action-plan may be part of the step forward, other times decision-making and problem-solving are needed.

You are welcome to send an enquiry or book a session now in the contact/enquiry form

Privacy and Confidentiality: All sessions are conducted professionally, privately and are strictly confidential. You will be briefed at the beginning through an informed consent and confidentiality agreement, and an initial discussion answering any questions in regard to the process, confidentiality and outcomes you can expect based on your priorities and personal journey.

Personal and private sessions are offered to all ages from 18 onwards. You are welcome to ask any questions in the contact/enquiry form , book a free 30 minute Discovery Call, or book a session.